Monday, September 8, 2008

Microsoft: Lost in the Mall

This weekend viewers got their first look at a series of Microsoft commercials featuring Bill Gates and Jerry Seinfeld. It's part of a rebranding strategy by the software giant, designed to combat some of the negative PR that's some from Apple's Mac vs. PC series of ads.

I'm scratching my head that this commercial. Much as I may enjoy Gates and Seinfeld holding court in a discount shoe store, there wasn't much of a takeaway from the spot. Indeed, you almost felt that you might have missed something or not cracked a code.

The commercial doesn't talk about the brand, emerging technology (other than edible computers), or make you feel excited about the next innovation. Some ad experts say the commercial is a success because we're talking about it but in my mind it does little to change the public perception of Microsoft being a heartless corporation that puts out poor operating systems which make your life more difficult.

I expect to see a parody on Saturday Night Live very soon.

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Anonymous said...

I actually liked it. Microsoft needs to re-establish a rapport with people before they can make any substantive points, and this commercial struck me as a humanistic. It was light and fluffy, and hinted of good things to come. Gates is probably the most credible -- and admired/respected -- spokesperson they could get. In this commercial is basically a proxy for the Microsoft brand.

In aggregate, the commercial basically says, Microsoft is "regular folks", and there are good things to come.

It's effect may be diluted somewhat by the torrent of pseudo criticism out there -- people trying to set it up as "the response to Apple", and then striking down their strawman portrayal when it doesn't do what it was never intended to do....

This is simply first in a series of Microsoft as Microsoft moves to re-establish their own identity.

I won't claim it's perfect, but I think it's a sound strategy and a pretty decent commercial. Good job Microsoft.

tvguy said...

I have to admit that I'm still not getting it after seeing the second spot. Maybe #3 will show me more.