Monday, September 22, 2008

Emmy Awards Hosts Bomb

Maybe it was a good idea on paper: Have five reality show hosts host the Emmy Awards. Then the question becomes, what should be in their opening monologue? Often, this is done through some sort of musical number or a cleverly put together video.

Instead the group came out and announced that they had nothing to say. Cute in a way but it took the group about five minutes to say that as the moment was unscripted. The joke bombed. Sometimes wacky ideas deserve to be on the cutting room floor. One of the problems with the talk is that it violated some of the rules of being a host or a master of ceremonies.

1. You are there to support the proceedings, keep them moving, and not undermine them. Less is more and lengthy jokes don't support your role.
2. If a joke tanks, move on quickly. Most comics will immediately go to their next joke if they bomb.
3. Don't anticipate mining comic gold through unscripted moments. The best comics practice and rehearse their material so it seems off the cuff but it's actually be carefully planned. "Winging it" in front of an audience is never a good idea. The best unscripted material still follows a structure.
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