Monday, February 23, 2009

Memorable Oscar Speeches

I enjoyed watching the Academy Awards last night. I do get a little stressed out watching the winners give their acceptance speeches, especially if they're going over their allotted time. In the past, it seemed like some performers would literally be shooed off the stage, either by music or camera shots.

Thankfully that didn't seem to happen last night but I did notice that most speeches tend to fall into three groups. Either the winner says something about the part or their past, thanks specific people, or does a combination of both. Now, think which speeches you remember? Were they any of the ones that featured a laundry list of names?

Instead I remember Kate Winslet talking about holding a shampoo bottle as a child and pretending that it was the Oscar statute. I remember Philippe Petit performing a magic trick with a coin and balancing the Oscar statue on his nose. I remember several winners speaking in their native tongues to fans in their home country.

Why do people give long lists of names in their acceptance speeches? I guess because that seems to be the thing to do. But it means little to most and it's much more memorable to share a bit of yourself in your acceptance of an honor. Emotions connect people. Lists tend to bore.

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