Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Change of a Few Degrees

Recently I spent some time with family in Ohio. For me this was a bit of shock as I left near 80 degree highs for single digit temperatures. Another thing I noticed was how gray the frozen landscape was. Between cloudy skies and frozen earth, it looked as if the area had been bleached of color.

But after a few days, temperatures warmed up, hitting highs in the 40s. Almost magically, the landscape became more colorful. It was as if someone had taken out a box of crayons overnight and touched up the area. The grass was greener and even leaves seemed a little brighter.

Once again this was a reminder of the power of small changes. Very often it's hard to make a change in our lives because it seems that it will take too much time and too much energy. Instead focus on a little thing you can do today to put you a little closer to your goal. You might be surprised at what happens.

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