Monday, February 1, 2010

Do You Know Someone Like This?

From the first day I met "Greg," I could tell that he was high strung.  Any little problem would put him  in a panic.  This was a challenge as he worked in the high pressure world of TV News. His soul seemed to burn with the stress of countless frustrations.

I knew that this was not a healthy lifestyle and several years later, I wasn't surprised to hear that all of the stress Greg carried inside had gotten the better of him.  While I no longer worked with him, friends at his station told me that he had a physical and mental breakdown.  He was alright but was taking some time off to work with doctors and therapists to get his life back together.

I was eager to find out more about Greg, Version 2.0.  His coworkers told me that he did seem more relaxed, which was great news.  But over time, they noticed another change in Greg. He had become incredibly annoying.

During his recovery time, Greg had learned a ton about coping mechanisms and information about human behavior.  But rather than follow the advice, Greg took to telling other people what was wrong with them.  The advice was unsolicited and nonstop.  He had gone from someone who internalized stress to someone who gave stress to others.  Greg had twisted good ideas into a mental wrecking ball.

Every day we are presented with a good deal of information and sometimes it has been distorted to fit someone's agenda.  Don't be afraid to ask questions, check facts, and consider the source.

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