Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Magic Words for Retail

In my TV news days, I did a lot of stories about holiday shopping. (One year my holiday meal consisted of a order of natchos shared in a smelly live truck but that's a story for another day.)

I remember well an interview I did with a Target Team Leader (otherwise known as store manager).  I asked him what the key was for a good holiday season.  His response: Keep the shelves stocked and the floors clean.

While I'm sure there were other elements involved in planning a successful holiday season like loss leaders, staffing, and store hours, I thought it was great that the company plan could be boiled down into one sentence.

How many of us can do the same in our business?  And if we can't, why not?  Sometimes a simple message or mission is the best way to communicate your vision to your team so that everyone can enjoy mutual success.

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