Tuesday, March 17, 2009

When Branding Goes Bad...

I just heard a bizarre branding decision. Cable TV's Sci Fi channel will soon be changing its name to, "Syfy." Apparently the suits at NBC Universal, which owns the science fiction themed network, feel the switch will appeal to a hip new audience. Their feeling is that the more phonetic spelling will seem less geeky and more mainstream chic.

The funny thing is that the executives boast that this is all part of a rebranding strategy where more than 300 names were considered. I'd love to see what other gems were on that list.

A brand is a piece of real estate that a company owns in your brain. It's what the consumer thinks of you. Successful branding is about more than just a catchy name. If a network delivers good programs, it will find an audience, no matter what it's called.

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